Sunday, September 25, 2011

It Is Well With Soul

  It is well with my soul (well, at least I'm blogging on one of those days).  We sang this song a couple weeks ago at church and the phrase has just been pouring over my heart and mind ever since.  I don't know if I'm trying to convince myself that it's all good, but I think it really is.  We sang this song the Sunday before Cade and I headed to Washington D.C. for a little getaway.  Getting on a plane and leaving three of our kids can make any mom a nervous wreck...but for so many reasons I felt content (not that I wanted to leave them permanently).  Anyway, singing that song that particular morning just made me smile, and thinking of that phrase on a daily basis continues to encourage me.
  Like any mom, whether you have four kids or one, the daily grind can get overwhelming and discouraging.  Nothing is ever enough, and basically, cleaning the house is like eating an Oreo cookie while brushing your's never really gonna get clean!  Kids are whining, the phone is ringing, emails are piling up, and it's 11 A.M. and you haven't even brushed your teeth (oh, let's get honest, there's days if I don't have to go out that my teeth don't get brushed or a shower doesn't happen 'til after lunch!).  But, even in the midst of all of this chaos, I've realized that deep down it IS well with my soul.  If all of it was gone, I would be incomplete.  So much joy comes from being a mom and a wife, and a friend, and a leader, and a neighbor, and a sister and daughter, and a woman.  All of these roles, although pulling from many directions at times, is such an honor.  It is such a privilege from God that He has given me an opportunity to live out these roles so that I might know this joy and feel complete and know that He has given all of these people and this beautiful life because He loves me.  Quite honestly, it's overwhelmingly humbling.  
  Life has a way of getting in the way of knowing God.  Sometimes it's hard to know that God has all things designed to give our lives hope and a future, and to make good things even in the midst of our struggles.  It's hard to see that it is well with our soul all of the time because we find ourselves so wrapped up in whether it is well with our bank account, our kids' behavior, our marriage, our career/household, etc...that we equate that to whether it can be well with our soul....but really, they don't have anything to do with each other.  Trust me, there's a lot of things I don't have together, and many flaws that hide even deep in the pit of my gut, but it is well with my soul because I know it is Him alone who gives me life and joy and covers me with His love.  It is more than I could ever ask for.  Therefore, on days when things don't seem to be going my way, worshiping Him is one thing that brings me back to Him and know that He is in control; and as long as I'm good with Him, everything else will fall into place (eventually!).  Who doesn't love getting out of the house and driving ALONE (ok, well, that is a praise by itself) and just turning up a Chris Tomlin worship song and belting it out in the car?  C'mon, I know I'm not the only one!
   Ok, enough from my insighful soapbox.  Some of you have asked how homeschooling has been going.  Here's an update:  Fortunately, Brooklyn is a very eager and quick learner.  She looks forward to most of her schoolwork and we tend to work pretty quickly.  It definitely gives us some structure to our day.  She has learned about seven cursive letters so far and is even starting to string some of the letters together to form words.  We've been reading a lot!  Nothing too "academic".  We love reading Junie B. Jones...she is a funny gal and Brooklyn loves to listen to the stories, and I love to read them!  She's like a Ramona little girl and she's in Kindergarten, which makes it very easy to relate to a lot of her dilemmas:)  Brookyn's reading and writing a lot on her own too...I'm amazed at everything she picks up and is trying on her own.  She's making great strides in her math work too.  I'm slowly coming a long with a curriculum I'm trying with Camden and Savannah.  They enjoy learning too and some things we all do together, but they've got their own thing's all been fun.  
   MOPS has been going well this year.  I'm so amazed at all of the amazing leadership I work with in MOPS.  Seriously, each of these women bring so much to the table....whether it's their love for people, prayer, the Word, mentoring, etc...these ladies ROCK!   I am sooooo thankful simply to know each of them, and even more blessed to work with them in ministry.  
  Finally, Cade and I took our 10 yr. anniversary trip to Washington D.C.  We took Ellie with us, so it wasn't necessarily a break...and we walked hours each day, so it wasn't necessarily restful...but hey, we were away!  It wasn't a destination I'd choose again for a re-energizing getaway, but under the circumstances of having a baby, it worked for us and we did have a great time.  It was a wonderful time to reconnect, laugh aloud at each other's jokes (and we laugh a lot...even when we're only funny to each other!), and create special memories.  I am grateful to know that it doesn't take too much for me to realize what a great man I have married.  Although I'd never pass up a good "woo", the little things Cade does for me, mean so much.  He still opens doors (and the cardoor) for me first, he does the dishes without me asking, he makes our bed in the morning, he plays with the kids, changes diapers, and so much more...I even got flowers just the other day for no reason at all!  Each morning I roll out of bed, even if, as we call it in our house, I'm "grumpy pants", he still finds ways to love me and serve me....I don't always deserve it. 
  This week, Aaron (our pastor) has challenged us to serve one another.  If it is well with my soul, and the circumstances I have written about above have been any indication as to how God is blessing my life, I will surely be finding ways to humble myself and serve my family, friends, my church, and the people I come in contact with this week.  I challenge you do to the same.  God bless and take care!

Friday, September 9, 2011

I Have Confidence...Sometimes

  The theme running through my mind these days and with other women in recent weeks seems to be that of confidence.  Why is it that as women we are constantly doubting ourselves...our abilities, the way we look, the way we are raising our children, decisions that need to be made, etc...  Maybe that's not you, but it's something I've struggled with lately.  
  I have been homeschooling now for three weeks.  Even though I'm enjoying it, and am loving watching Brooklyn and those "I get it" moments, I can't help but lack that confidence that I've made the right decision.  Did I choose the right curriculum?  Are we on track?  Should she be in a school building?  The questions are always pouring in.  However, I've learned through this process that we made this decision over time...we listened to God and were led to this plan for our family.  It may only be in His plan for the next year, or five years, but I have to remain most confident in my trust in Him and that He is speaking to us in many avenues.  Doors of opportunity to continue to open, therefore, I AM CONFIDENT!
  In contrast, as I mentioned in a previous post, I continue to lack confidence in my appearance.  Yes, I know I just had a baby (but that excuse is slowly wearing away the older she gets!), but I have friends that did too and they're already in their skinny jeans!  I know we were all made different, but I just feel like I carry less confidence in myself every time it's time to get dressed.  I dread the mirror and what it's telling me.  However, I'm learning that I'm allowing myself to believe the mirror and not believe in the God who created me in His love and in His image.  I know God looks at my heart and the gifts I have to offer the world...only I'm having trouble fully giving those away because the mirror is stealing that from me.  I NEED CONFIDENCE!
  Every day God is giving me choices to allow Him to lead with His plan, or for the world and my deceiving mind to take control.  Unfortunately, I find myself failing as the opinions of others cloud my mind.  Our pastor spoke about this last Sunday, and I knew God was using that message to speak to me.  I've had several conversations this week to confirm that...I've spoken with other women to confirm that they struggle with the same issues.  So, I write about these things, not in hopes that I have others to "suffer" with me, but so we can encourage one another in understanding that we are beautiful people...people who have gifts from God to help each other realize that God wants to use us despite the clouded lens we look through.   We need one another for that reminder that it's not about your pants size, whether you send your kid to preschool, you choose to homeschool/private school/public school, you do/don't crafts with your kids, you choose to/not to workout, you lead a Bible Study or you're you only attend, or whatever struggle your facing with lack of confidence about yourself as mom, wife, or woman.  Find someone this week and be transparent with them...tell them where you're weak; a concern in your life where you're not confident, and work together to see how God is working there; what is He teaching you?; and what will it take for you to find confidence in Him.   
 I feel like I'm just throwing up my thoughts tonight.  I want to be more confident...I even keep singing that song "I Have Confidence" from The Sound of Music.  As much as that helps, I'm still going to count on hearing God speak into my life for His leading.  When I follow Him there's not need to doubt the decisions we make or the person I am.  Take care.